The boys are off to college and they are really loving it. According to Michael when he was asked how are things? His reply was ” Living my best life”. That is so great to hear.
Michael is in Flagstaff attending NAU. Matthew moved out to an apartment with his best friend in Chico and is at Chico State.
I see Matthew at least a couple times a week and it’s a joy. When he comes by the house, he’s like a celebrity because we are so happy to see him and so happy to cook for him. I’m starting to play a little more golf and they boys have taken a liking to it so I’ve been hitting the driving range with Matthew and playing with him about once a week.
Michael came home for a surprise visit a few weeks back and it almost brought me to tears. I missed him so much it was a wonderful surprise. No one knew except Melanie. Mo and Po were surprised too and Mo did break down in tears.
Emma is now the only child at home and is a sophomore at Chico High. She just started back to school a few days a week for only a few hours. Michael is full time at school and Matthew is still 100% online. Looking forward to having Michael back for the winter break!
Spent a day and a half north of Houston last weekend. Got to fish one morning for hybrid bass. Man they pull hard for their size. Still a little warm there for good hybrid fishing but we got lucky and got a few.